[CQ-Contest] [RTTY] QST -- the half hour NS (NCCC Sprint) RTTY contest is this Thursday evening in North America

Hank Garretson w6sx at arrl.net
Thu Oct 20 21:46:10 EDT 2022


I think it is in regular list of contests. Not a UDC.

Diddle Exuberantly,

Hank, W6SX

On Fri, Oct 21, 2022 at 1:18 AM Will KN6TZK <willshattuck at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi.  Is there a specific User Defined Contest for N1MM for this weekly
> contest?
> Thanks
> Will
> On Tue, Oct 18, 2022 at 10:54 AM Ed Radlo via groups.io <EddRad=
> aol.com at groups.io> wrote:
>> To all RTTY ops:
>> This is a reminder that once again, the Northern California Contest Club
>> is pleased to present our regular Thursday night (in North America) half
>> hour RTTY Sprint, aka the NS RTTY, this Thursday evening.
>> Last week, in addition to our many regulars, KH6ZM joined us for what I
>> think was the first time, and AC0E and N7VS rejoined us.  NN7SS had a great
>> QRP score last week!  Let's all do it again this Thursday.   More good
>> news:  I had an eyeball QSO with K6MR a couple of days ago; I'm hoping that
>> he will be able to be with us again soon.
>> For those of you who are new to our weekly NS RTTY’s, we use a variation
>> of the NCJ’s Sprint QSY rule – 1 KHz QSY’s rather than 5 KHz – and allow
>> duplicate contacts after one intervening contact.  If you need a full
>> explanation of these special rules, send me an e-mail, and I’ll give you
>> all the details, e.g., a precise definition of our QSY rule.
>> For those of you using the popular N1MM+ logger, the contest module to
>> use is NSRTTYDUPE.  A good set of example function keys is in the N1MM+
>> website's function key gallery, and available for free download.
>> After the contest, please remember to submit your scores to
>> www.3830scores.com.  It’s easy – on 3830, the name of this contest is
>> “NCCC RTTY Sprint”.  Reporting your score, whether it be big or small,
>> helps build enthusiasm for this event. That in turn increases participation
>> for future editions, which benefits all of us.
>> Remember to try 15 meters at the beginning of this Thursday night's
>> contest – 15 has usually been open at 0145Z lately, at least for some
>> regions.
>> The details of our next NS RTTY:
>> Friday,  21 October 2022 UTC, 0145Z to 0215Z (Thursday, 20 October 2022
>> in North America)
>> -- 1845 to 1915 PDT
>> -- 2145 to 2215 EDT
>> -- (others in between those two time intervals)
>> -- 160 meters:  Try 1804, 1805, or 1806 during the last two minutes
>> -- 80/40/20/15 meters:  mostly +83 kHz to +89 kHz up from the lower band
>> edge
>> -- *Same band dupes are allowed for credit after one intervening QSO*
>> -- *1 kHz QSY rule*, otherwise standard NCJ Sprint QSY rules
>> -- Multipliers are counted anew on each band, so if 4 bands are open,
>> you’ll get a lot of mults!
>> -- 100W output power limit
>> Please visit https://www.ncccsprint.com/rttyns.html for complete rules
>> and links to other info. If you find any problems with the Web pages,
>> please let me know so we can get them fixed.
>> If you would like to receive all the latest info about NS (both CW and
>> RTTY), as well as a have a vehicle for expressing your comments and
>> questions, sign up for the NS mailing list:
>> https://groups.io/g/nccc-blue*.*
>> Contestonlinescore.com <http://contestonlinescore.com/> has a slot set
>> up for us if you’d like to make sure your logger is talking to the world.
>> Select “NCCC NA RTTY Sprint”.
>> Report scores to 3830scores.com, and join us at 0300Z on 3610 kHz (+/- a
>> few depending upon who else is on) for comments and questions.
>> 73,
>> *Ed Radlo  AJ6V*
> --
> Will Shattuck
> --
> Will
> _._,_._,_
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> _._,_._,_

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