[CQ-Contest] 6M CW

David Jaffe davidajaffe at gmail.com
Wed Oct 26 14:16:23 EDT 2022

Since I was mentioned in this post, I thought I'd throw in my 2 cents.

First of all, the 3830 comment quoted ("contacts galore") was written by
W6DMW, not me.

But more to the point...

Here's what I suggest for improving the VHF contests:

*Allow separate credit for working a station on each of three modes on the
same band (CW, SSB, digital).*

This will increase both CW and SSB activity greatly.

In addition, if the ARRL's new "classic" mode (CW/SSB only) is retained,
the increase in activity from my proposed new rule will also make the
"never-digital" people happy (they'll have more stations to work).


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