[CQ-Contest] Announcing the half hour NS (NCCC Sprint) RTTY contest this Thursday evening in North America.

Zack Widup w9sz.zack at gmail.com
Tue Apr 11 08:26:38 EDT 2023

Instead of RYRYRY, shouldn't you be starting it with NNNNZCZC? :-)

Zack W9SZ

On Tue, Apr 11, 2023 at 6:39 AM Ed Radlo via CQ-Contest <
cq-contest at contesting.com> wrote:

> To all RTTY ops:
> This is a reminder thatonce again, the Northern California Contest Club is
> pleased to present ourregular weekly half hour RTTY Sprint, aka the NS
> RTTY, this Thursday eveningNorth America time.
> The start time of the NSRTTY is always 0145Z, regardless of whether we’re
> on Standard Time or DaylightSavings Time.
> Last week, we had ourregulars; plus WQ5L, NN7SS, N7VS, AA9L, and N0TA
> rejoined us after briefabsences.  Let’s see you all back againthis week!
> For those of you who arenew to our weekly NS RTTY’s, we use a variation of
> the NCJ Sprint’s QSY rule –1 KHz QSY’s rather than 5 KHz – and allow same
> band duplicate contacts aftermaking at least one intervening contact.  If
> you need a fullexplanation of these special rules, send me an e-mail, and
> I’ll give you allthe details, e.g., a precise definition of our QSY rule.
> Remember to QSY afteryou’ve made a contact that you‘ve solicited, and that
> both callsigns arerequired as part of the exchange.
> After the contest,please remember to submit your score to
> www.3830scores.com.  It’s easy –on 3830, the name of this contest is
> “NCCC RTTY Sprint”.  Reportingyour score, whether it be big or small, helps
> build enthusiasm for this event.That in turn increases participation for
> future editions, which benefits all ofus.
> For those of you usingthe popular N1MM+ logger, the contest module to use
> is NSRTTYDUPE.  A goodset of example function keys is in the N1MM+
> website's function key gallery,available for free download.
> Remember to try 15meters at the beginning of this Thursday night's contest
> – 15 has been openwith spotlight propagation at 0145Z lately.
> The details of ournext NS RTTY:
> Friday,  14 April2023 UTC, 0145Z to 0215Z (Thursday, 13 April 2023 in
> North America)
> --1845 to 1915 PDT
> --2145 to 2215 EDT
> -- (others in betweenthose two time intervals)
> -- 160 meters: Try 1804, 1805, or 1806 during the last two minutes
> -- 80/40/20/15meters:  mostly +83 kHz to +89 kHz up from the lower band
> edge
> -- Same banddupes are allowed for credit after one intervening QSO
> -- 1 kHz QSYrule, otherwise standard NCJ Sprint QSY rules
> -- Multipliers arecounted anew on each band, so if 4 or 5 bands are open,
> you’ll get a lot ofmults!
> -- 100W output powerlimit
> Please visit https://www.ncccsprint.com/rttyns.html for complete rules
> and links to otherinfo. If you find any problems with the Web pages, please
> let me know so we canget them fixed.
> If you would like toreceive all the latest info about NS (both CW and
> RTTY), as well as a have a vehiclefor expressing your comments and
> questions, sign up for the NS mailinglist:  https://groups.io/g/nccc-blue
> .
> Contestonlinescore.com has a slot set up for us if you’d like to make sure
> yourlogger is talking to the world.  Select “NCCC NA RTTY Sprint”.
> Report scores to 3830scores.com, and join us at 0300Z on 3610 kHz (+/- a
> fewdepending upon who else is on) for comments and questions.
> 73,
> EdRadlo  AJ6V
> eddrad at aol.com
> _._,_._,_
> _______________________________________________
> CQ-Contest mailing list
> CQ-Contest at contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest

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