[CQ-Contest] EUDX Contest 2023 results

IK6QON Francesco ik6qon at gmail.com
Tue Apr 11 08:26:56 EDT 2023

Dear Contesters,
it is a great pleasure to present you the final results of EUDX Contest
After only two years from the first EUDX Contest, the participation in the
2023 EUDX CONTEST has hugely increased. Overall *1981* logs have been
received (compared to 1281 logs in 2022) of which *1226 *from
European Union stations and *755* from DX stations.  Having received 1981
logs — a new record — nearly 2/3 of your submissions were received in the
first 24 hours after the contest. Perhaps more amazing is that a staggering
total of *493.000*QSOs were reported.
*FINAL Results* are shown *here
Francesco IK6QON
73's Francesco *IK6QON*

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