[CQ-Contest] Further information about DL6RAI

john at kk9a.com john at kk9a.com
Sat May 20 22:40:47 EDT 2023

DL6RAI's ashes will be spread out in the Caribbean sea.
R.I.P. Ben!

The corroded towers and antennas at P49V are currently being safely taken
down using a lift.

John KK9A

Christian DL1MGB wrote:
Dear contest community,

Ben's wife Luise, DL2MLU, asked me to send you the following information.

Ben will be laid out in Aruba next Wednesday and also probably Thursday.
After that he will find his final resting place at P4.

There will be a memorial service in Germany after Luise's return from Aruba.
We will be informed about the place and date.

The future of the station is uncertain, but according to Luise it should
offered for purchase after everything is settled.

73s Chris DL1MGB

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