[CQ-Contest] FT4 Sprint Frequencies

Ed Radlo eddrad at aol.com
Fri May 26 14:08:03 EDT 2023

The published rules on the FT4 NS Website say to use "the standard FT4 frequencies".
I believe that means 3.575, 7.047.5, 14.084, 21.140, 28.180, and 50.318.
Like you, I also tried 28.080, 21.080, and 7.080, and saw no activity there.
Most of the standard FT4 frequencies see little or no FT4 activity, except for 14.080, which is busy daily.
73, Ed AJ6V

    On Friday, May 26, 2023 at 10:55:10 AM PDT, john <reillyjf at comcast.net> wrote:  
 I thought the agreement prior to the contest was that we would operate 
80 Khz above the bottom of the band on 80 thru 10m; however, I found no 
activity on 7.080. Everybody was on 7.0475. Never went to 80m, so no 
idea where people were.

I do think this needs to be standardized and published. I can see some 
advantages working on common frequencies with others -- you may get 
incidental contacts with non-contestors; however, there is a lot to be 
said to be on frequencies dedicated to the contest.

Any suggestions?
   - 73, John, N0TA
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