[CQ-Contest] Most cost-effective sending of qsl's direct to qsl bureaus via delivery services

Jim Brown k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com
Mon Jan 22 15:53:11 EST 2024


With a K9 call, I overwhelmed the W9 Bureau when I moved to California 
in 2006. JAs have an award for the quantity of paper cards. I was 
getting more cards than all others in the Bureau combined! I stopped 
using the Bureau ten years ago, because JAs were causing the  Bureau to 
be 2-3 years behind. Now, I only send paper cards to US hams who are 
chasing awards like County Hunters, whose sponsors are so behind the 
times that they won't accept screen prints of LOTW confirmations.

73, Jim K9YC

On 1/22/2024 11:56 AM, kq2m at kq2m.com wrote:
> I would appreciate any information that you can share on what 
> cost-effective and reliable services there are out there that you have 
> successfully used when sending boxes of qsl's overseas.

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