[CQ-Contest] 7% of contesters self spotted in ARRL DX SSB 2024 - twice as many as in CW

Tim Shoppa tshoppa at gmail.com
Sat Mar 9 08:37:51 EST 2024

342 stations self-spotted during ARRL DX SSB 2024 more than 10 times, a
clear step up over self-spotting usage in the CW leg two weeks earlier.

Self-spotting has been allowed by ARRL for all entrants in ARRL contests
for 15 months now. Note that most all other contest sponsors - especially
CQ/WWROF contests - still explicitly ban self-spotting.

Several prominent US/VE stations used DX callsigns as the originator when
sending some or all of their self spots to the cluster, and visa-versa. For
example, 9A7P self-spotted using W3WM, and AA3B self spotted using DL/AA3B.
This is above and beyond several US hams in the Caribbean that logged into
the cluster using their home callsigns. This is important to work around
geographically restrictive filters many hams have set for the origin of the
cluster spots they see.

The top ten self-spotters in ARRL DX SSB 2024 by my analysis are:

spots   call    spotted using calls
-----   -----   -------------------
589     9A1A    9A1A 9A5W
542     CR6K    CR6K CT1ILT
529     ZF1A    ZF1A ZF1BB
483     W3LPL   W3LPL
394     K1TTT   K1TTT KA1R
386     PJ2T    K8ND PJ2T W0CG
384     N5DX    N5DX
379     9A7P    9A7P W3WM
360     EI7M    G4PCS
358     ED7W    EB7A ED7W

You can find my full self-spotting analysis for ARRL DX SSB 2024 and the
raw Telnet data at https://radiosport.world/2024arrlssb.html

Tim N3QE

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