[CQ-Contest] repeating Callsigns

Jim Brown k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com
Thu Feb 20 13:45:35 EST 2025

On 2/19/2025 2:27 PM, PY2NY wrote:
> Next contest will be "CQ PY2NY Test".

I find "TEST" after the station's callsign to be contrary to standard 
practice in ham radio for a century. It totally throws off my rhythm. 
When running, after a QSO I send "TU K9YC" If no callers, I send "TEST 

When S&P, the running station's call never be repeated after the running 
station has answered him, and the calling  station's call should be 
repeated ONLY if the caller thinks ONLY if the caller thinks the running 
station mis-copied it, and then it's his responsibility to do so. If 
it's an obvious mis-copy, like K8CC or W9CC, I'll repeat my call twice.

And a caller should never send the running station's call. As K6XX says 
while teaching at the Visalia, "I know my call. Don't send it to me."

Yes, a space at the beginning and end of macros are critical.

73, Jim K9YC

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