[CQ-Contest] RBN question

Jeff Blaine KeepWalking188 at ac0c.com
Sun Feb 23 02:14:14 EST 2025

I was thinking of another variable - could the polar path introduce more 
multipath or other effects and that may have contributed to a lower 
skimmer report rate?

I don't know about the skimmer's ability to decode in those conditions 
but it seems like all the stations from that far east are hard to copy 
here, at least using human ears.


On 2/22/2025 8:50 PM, Pete Smith N4ZR wrote:
> I read this series of posts with some puzzlement.  It is simply not 
> true that the CW Skimmer algorithms would (as implied) discriminate 
> against some calls versus some others.  So long as transmissions by 
> any given station meet the well-publicized criteria for being spotted, 
> and they are heard by a given Skimmer, they will be spotted.
> 73, Pete N4ZR
> On 2/21/2025 10:27 AM, Mike Smith VE9AA wrote:
>> I read this post a few times (and the replies).
>> I am still not 100% sure if you're actually serious.but in any case, 
>> is 9000kms from here (well into Asia just N. of Mongolia) whereas 
>> HG5E is
>> only 6000kms from here in EU.  I don't have any information on the exact
>> power output of UA9YBA nor his antenna system(s) or as one other astute
>> poster already said, how many Q's were spent running vs. S&P-ing.  We 
>> also
>> don't know if he did SO2V (or same band SO2R, which I have done once). I
>> could go looking but your post does not state his CW speed either.
>> All things to consider!
>>   He certainly would have less daylight to use for 20m prop to NA (20 
>> was not
>> open all night, afaik), but OTOH, he may have 2 openings per day (LP 
>> vs. SP)
>> vs. your one (SP)
>> Are you concerned that he may have bested you by aprox 23k pts and 
>> that he
>> was farther away from NA as well?
>> That's never a good feeling but should push you to do something 
>> different.
>> You can't change your QTH (smile)
>> BTW, you guys who are sending your calls twice in your CQ (or twice 
>> when you
>> are answering someone running-ugh) are wasting a lot of time. 
>> Multiply the
>> time it takes to send your call by 3000, 4000 or 5000 times. Do the math
>> .That's all time you could've used to do something else.
>> My CQ is simply:
>> ...and I seem to get spotted just fine.  I always answer runners by 
>> sending
>> my call once.  Normally they come right back.  If they need it again, I
>> normally send it once again.  There's only so much time in 48hrs.
>> GL
>> (CU-all of a sudden!)
>> Mike VE9AA  - NB
>> Dear Experts,
>> I created a quick statistics sheet on RBN figures of the ARRL DX CW 
>> contest.
>> I took 4  SOSB 20M stations: HG0Y, HG5E, TM4W and UA9YBA.
>> Here is how many times they were spotted by RBN in North America:
>> HG0Y:  14236
>> HG5E:  16648
>> TM4W:  16223
>> UA9YBA: 4918
>> According to 3830scores.com and contestonlinescore.com pages these 
>> are the
>> QSO numbers:
>> HG0Y:   1005
>> HG5E:    902
>> TM4W:   1139
>> UA9YBA:  967
>> My question: how could it be that three stations were spotted by RBN 
>> three
>> times more than UA9YBA?
>> I listened to UA9YBA at the end of the contest and his CQ was absolutely
>> correct: "CQ UA9YBA UA9YBA TEST".
>> 73:
>> Tibor
>> HG5E / HA1AH
>> Mike - Keswick Ridge, NB, Canada
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