[CQ-Contest] RBN question
Pete Smith N4ZR
pete.n4zr at gmail.com
Sun Feb 23 10:21:37 EST 2025
Sure, though I wonder how large an impact it would have. Anything that
results in a CW signal arriving at a Skimmer in a form that is so
mangled that the algorithm can't copy the CW will result in a missed
spot. QRM can do that too.
73, Pete N4ZR
On 2/23/2025 2:14 AM, Jeff Blaine wrote:
> I was thinking of another variable - could the polar path introduce
> more multipath or other effects and that may have contributed to a
> lower skimmer report rate?
> I don't know about the skimmer's ability to decode in those conditions
> but it seems like all the stations from that far east are hard to copy
> here, at least using human ears.
> 73/jeff/ac0c
> alpha-charlie-zero-charlie
> www.ac0c.com
> On 2/22/2025 8:50 PM, Pete Smith N4ZR wrote:
>> I read this series of posts with some puzzlement. It is simply not
>> true that the CW Skimmer algorithms would (as implied) discriminate
>> against some calls versus some others. So long as transmissions by
>> any given station meet the well-publicized criteria for being
>> spotted, and they are heard by a given Skimmer, they will be spotted.
>> 73, Pete N4ZR
>> On 2/21/2025 10:27 AM, Mike Smith VE9AA wrote:
>>> I read this post a few times (and the replies).
>>> I am still not 100% sure if you're actually serious.but in any case,
>>> UA9YBA
>>> is 9000kms from here (well into Asia just N. of Mongolia) whereas
>>> HG5E is
>>> only 6000kms from here in EU. I don't have any information on the
>>> exact
>>> power output of UA9YBA nor his antenna system(s) or as one other astute
>>> poster already said, how many Q's were spent running vs. S&P-ing.
>>> We also
>>> don't know if he did SO2V (or same band SO2R, which I have done
>>> once). I
>>> could go looking but your post does not state his CW speed either.
>>> All things to consider!
>>> He certainly would have less daylight to use for 20m prop to NA
>>> (20 was not
>>> open all night, afaik), but OTOH, he may have 2 openings per day (LP
>>> vs. SP)
>>> vs. your one (SP)
>>> Are you concerned that he may have bested you by aprox 23k pts and
>>> that he
>>> was farther away from NA as well?
>>> That's never a good feeling but should push you to do something
>>> different.
>>> You can't change your QTH (smile)
>>> BTW, you guys who are sending your calls twice in your CQ (or twice
>>> when you
>>> are answering someone running-ugh) are wasting a lot of time.
>>> Multiply the
>>> time it takes to send your call by 3000, 4000 or 5000 times. Do the
>>> math
>>> .That's all time you could've used to do something else.
>>> My CQ is simply:
>>> ...and I seem to get spotted just fine. I always answer runners by
>>> sending
>>> my call once. Normally they come right back. If they need it again, I
>>> normally send it once again. There's only so much time in 48hrs.
>>> GL
>>> (CU-all of a sudden!)
>>> Mike VE9AA - NB
>>> Dear Experts,
>>> I created a quick statistics sheet on RBN figures of the ARRL DX CW
>>> contest.
>>> I took 4 SOSB 20M stations: HG0Y, HG5E, TM4W and UA9YBA.
>>> Here is how many times they were spotted by RBN in North America:
>>> HG0Y: 14236
>>> HG5E: 16648
>>> TM4W: 16223
>>> UA9YBA: 4918
>>> According to 3830scores.com and contestonlinescore.com pages these
>>> are the
>>> QSO numbers:
>>> HG0Y: 1005
>>> HG5E: 902
>>> TM4W: 1139
>>> UA9YBA: 967
>>> My question: how could it be that three stations were spotted by RBN
>>> three
>>> times more than UA9YBA?
>>> I listened to UA9YBA at the end of the contest and his CQ was
>>> absolutely
>>> correct: "CQ UA9YBA UA9YBA TEST".
>>> 73:
>>> Tibor
>>> HG5E / HA1AH
>>> Mike - Keswick Ridge, NB, Canada
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