new files available from CT-USER

Jim Reisert AD1C
Thu, 1 Dec 1994 10:55:53 -0500

I have added some more files to the archive.  You can retrieve them by
sending a GET command to (multiple GET
commands in the same mail message are OK.  Remember the file names are in
lower case):

GET release9.txt

	These are the latest release notes, up to and includeing CT 9.14.

GET ct9_loop.txt

	This is a "how-to" article by Fred, KE7X on how to wire computers
	together using a single COM port on each one for use with the CT9
	"-loop" switch.

GET font106.uue

	This is K6STI's program to change the PC font, you can use it
	to make text in 50-line VGA mode more readable.

GET trunc_bi.uue

	This is a program to remove all QSOs from a .BIN file.  All
	other settings (window positions, colors, etc.) are saved.
	Useful if you have been logging people before the contest,
	and want to start with a clean log.

The ".uue" files are UUencoded into ASCII so they can be sent through the
mail.  In order to decode them, you'll also need to "GET".

73 - Jim AD1C