Ken Wolff
Ken Wolff" <jjmhome!uunet.uu.net!lectroid!jjmhome!k1ea!k1ea@uunet.uu.net
Fri, 25 Feb 1994 21:14:42 EST
On Thu, 24 Feb 1994 23:28:29 -0500 (EST), "Randy A Thompson" <K5ZD@world.std.com> wrote:
> Successfully used CT9 all weekend without a single incident. Put that in
> your product introduction ad!
> I could not use my computer to talk to the radio. For some reason, if I
> tried to connect to the radio then CT would just lock up on start-up.
> Had the same problem with CT9 and 8.52 so assume it is an interrupt
> conflict (or something) on my currrent work laptop (local bus video,
> local bus disk controller). Any ideas on how I can handle this?
> Randy
If it's a Kenwood, start with procomm and the radio hooked together.
FA; and FB; should get a response from the radio. Is this a single com port
laptop? Try the other port if you can. I have a pair of test programs
that send files through the COMTSR's. You could use them to see if the
problem is at the TSR level or CT level.
Ken Wolff K1EA