MS-DOS 6.2 and CT v8.X Survey Results

Steve Merchant
Sat, 26 Feb 1994 08:54:37 -0800

I received just a few responses from people regarding problems using 
CT v8.X and MS-DOS 6.2.  This speaks very well for both products, I guess.  
No one said anything that would lead me to believe there's a specific 
problem with using MS-DOS 6.2.  We were running three TSR's (COM1, COM2 
and TNCTSR-S) with a "loaded" CONFIG.SYS.  Once we stripped down the config 
file, the problem went away.

The conclusion I draw from reading these notes is that it's best to follow 
AD1C's advice in his recent NCJ article:  build a separate, simple CONFIG.SYS 
file for use with CT.  That way you don't have to spend hours shooting weird 
memory-TSR-O/S behavior and can instead spend your time more productively 
getting ready for the contest, (fixing antennas, no doubt).

Thanks everyone for your responses.  73, Steve N4TQO

Hi Steve.  At N3RS, we have had sporatic occurences of trouble like you
describe, although I can't pin it down to anything specific from memory.
Consequently, we run the contest with "bare minimum" CONFIG.SYS files, and
have had no problems since.  During ARRL CW we ran 3 computers, all using
MS-DOS 6.2, and a beta-test version of CT8.53 (aka Version 9).  Not a
single crash or hiccup of any kind.  We don't use any "exotic" memory
managers.  All machines were just running HIMEM.SYS to provide access to
the extended memory required by CT386.  For what it's worth.

73 - Dave, N3RD
Steve N4TQO,
	No problems on my XT with 2 Meg expanded memory and MS-DOS 6.2.
You ought to tell us what machines, BUFFERS & FILES settings, TSRs,
and memory you have for any meaningful answers.  Problems have been
reported in the past due to memory management.

73, alan N2ALE/6
Hi Steve,

I've run Dos 6.2 and OS2/2.1 Dos with CT ver 8 with no problem. Don't recall
which version, got it from Kenny in July. I used it in both SS and CQ WW, no problem. However, I did work less than 200 Qs each
also Himem sys.
Bill K5FUV

Steve we used  my 486/66 machine under 6.0 dos and K5TSQ's 486sx machine
running under 6.0 dos for our multi two effort at 6d2x. My config.sys file
is certainly not simple, including sound blaster, windows, etc. We didn't
have a glitch. If you find out that it is the 6.2 upgrade let me know
because  I am planning to get the upgrade before long. GL  Bill, W5VX

	Like I said, I haven't had any problems.  I've been using CT86.EXE
on an old XT which has gone thru endless upgrades.  Try down loading that
version and see if you still have troubles, I'm assuming you're using something
like a 386/486 now.  To see if the problems are with the TRS software, just hit
F5 a few times when you boot up and that will bypass the CONFIG.SYS file and NO
TRSs will be loaded, and then try starting CT.  
	Sure, if you'rs having trouble send along a copy (ASCII) of the file. I
created a CT.BAT file for staring up CT which I have done to avoid some human-
error problems and some probelems which occur seem to occur when starting from
DOSSHELL.  That's the only other area I could thing of.
73, alan N2ALE/6

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