CT9 Proposed custom contest .CFG

Jim Reisert reisert
Thu, 24 Mar 1994 12:48:27 -0500

Please send comments to the reflector, CT-USER@mlo.dec.com

73 - Jim AD1C

Msg #1313  From: K1EA  Date: 20-Mar 1555Z  Subj: Proposed custom contest .CFG 

Bands:   160,80,40,30,20,17,15,10,6,2,135CM,70CM,33CM,23CM,9CM


QSO:     PER BAND        // work the same station on multiple bands
                         // leave out PER BAND to allow only one qso
                         // regardless of band

         PER MODE        // work the same station on multiple modes
                         // leave out PER MODE to allow only one qso
                         // regardless of mode

MULT:    PER BAND        // multiplier credit of each band worked
                         // leave out PER BAND to allow only one mult
                         // regardless of band

         PER MODE        // multiplier credit of each mode worked
                         // leave out PER MODE to allow only one mult
                         // regardless of mode

         CTY=CTY.DAT     // count countries as mults.
                         // CTY.DAT is default country list
                         // CTY.DAT is the format, create your own
                         // using the name of your choice
                         // For example: CTY=IBM.DAT for the IBM DX Test

         SEC=SEC.DAT     // count sections, states, counties, etc
                         // text in the info field is used for mult
                         // SEC.DAT is default, and format, create your own
                         // For example: CTY=OHIO.DAT for the Ohio Qso Party
                         // This format allows aliases (see SEC.DAT)

         SEC=ANY         // This means that data entered in the info field
                         // is considered a mult without restriction
                         // For example, enter "PHIL" in the field and
                         // "PHIL" becomes a mult. Work another "PHIL"
                         // and it's just a q. Work a "TOM" and it's a mult

         ZONE=40         // zones from 1 to number specified (40 in this case)

         PX              // count prefixes as mults

         CALLS=CALLS.DAT // these calls are mults
                         // CALLS.DAT is the default and format,
			 // create your own

         GRID            // mult per 4 charater grid square, IE FN20

         80=2            // 80 mtr mults count double
         160=3           // 160 mtr mults count triple
         40=0            // 40 mtr q's have no multiplier credit

CONT:    AS=0            // q's with Asia don't count
         OC=1            // q's with Oceana do count
         EU=2            // q's with Europe count double pts
         NA=m2           // q's with North America double the multiplier
         NA=m0           // q's with North America don't count for multiplier
                         // if CONT is used, CT loads CTY.DAT to determine
                         // the country and continent from the callsign

POINTS:  ALL=3           // set all to 3 base points per QSO
         SSB=7           // set SSB QSO's to exactly 7 pts per
         CW=x2           // (x2) multiplies base pts/q by 2 (2 x 3 = 6)

         80=5            // this sets 80 mtr q's to 5, overriding ALL, SSB
                         // x2 on still CW works. SSB on 80 = 5 pts, CW 10 pts

         40=0            // q's on 40 count for mults, not qso pts