CT M/S S/N Interim Fix
H. L. Serra
Wed, 30 Mar 1994 11:54:15 -0800 (PST)
Re the serial numbering problem some stations experienced in Multi-single
category for WPX (i.e., S/Ns were NOT consecutive without regard to band,
as required for WPX M/S):
1. My older CT version 8.19 in the M/S set up does the M/S S/Ns
CORRECTLY (consecutive without regard to band changes).
2. My CT version 8.41 does NOT do the S/Ns correctly for M/S in the M/S
set up, but does them CORRECTLY (consecutive without regard to band
changes) when I use the M-2 (Multi-2) category set up. It also prints logs
CORRECTLY after "WRITELOG" command in the M-2 set up.
3. Try either 1 or 2 above for WPX CW M/S, then just change the category
on your summary sheet to "MULTI-SINGLE" from "MULTI-TWO."
Ken will likely fix it for CT version 9.0, but won't do any more fixing
of earlier versions (per AD1C).
73 Larry N6AZE