10 minute rule
Thu, 1 Sep 94 15:40:19 EDT
ON6TT writes:
>> Last year, at OT3T, we had a long discussion abt the 10 minute rule. We have
>> come up with what we call 'ON4UN's 10 minute rule':
>> a. look up the time of the last QSO logged 2 bands ago
>> b. if that QSO was logged more than 10 minutes ago, the QSY is ok.
>> That should be pretty easy to implement in CT, right? No more hassle whether
>> you are run or mult station.
Rick Craig, N6ND, responds:
>Yes and no. Under those conditions, yes one station can QSY but you need to
>know whether it's the run or the mult station. Example:
>Run station goes to 20 mtrs at 2300Z
>Mult station goes to 40 mtrs at 2305Z
>At 2311Z, the run station can go to 80 but the mult station can not leave 40
>until 2316Z. The "ON4UN 10 minute rule" tells you when you can QSY but you
>also need to know whether you can run or works mults only after you QSY. That's
>why it's important to note in the log who's the run and who's the mult station.
>I haven't used CT in a M/S so I don't know how it handles multiple stations
>switching the run assignment between them. As long as the "band-time" doesn't
>violate the rule, you should be OK....
Why all this fuss? Why don't the "powers that be" eliminate this archaic
carryover from the distant past? I don't understand why this rule still
exists. Don't give us a history lesson, just get rid of this outmoded,
artifact of days gone by... Walt - K2WK
Lets put it to a vote.
Sample Form Letter
ARRL version:
I hereby submit to the CAC of the ___(fill in blank)___ division that the
10 minute rule for M/S be eliminated in all contests.
Signed _____(fill in blank)_____
CQ version:
I hereby submit to "the powers that be" (you know who you are) that the
10 minute rule for M/S be eliminated in all contests.
Signed _____(fill in blank)_____