Swanson, Glenn, KB1GW gswanson@arrl.org
Mon, 18 Dec 95 13:07:00 EST

Shameless Plug:

     Perhaps the "YCCC / WRTC" subject would be worthy of discussion during 
the YCCC on-the-air "gathering" THIS VERY EVENING--as you may recall--at 8PM 
Monday evenings on 1.860 (+/- QRM)?

     In any "event," I hope ya-all will be there!

               73, KB1GW   :-)
>From: Swanson, Glenn, KB1GW
>To: YCCC Reflector; Randy Thompson
>Subject: RE: WRTC?
>Date: Monday, December 18, 1995 12:25PM
>Good question, Randy. The deadline is past?
>(Nice to see we have a reflector again, though!)
>73, Glenn, KB1GW
> ----------
>>From: Randy Thompson
>>To: YCCC Reflector
>>Subject: WRTC?
>>Date: Monday, December 18, 1995 8:54AM
>>Return-Path: <k5zd@ICONICS.COM>

> ---
>>Only the brave (i.e. stupid?) made it to the meeting last week.  Good
>>move by those of you who decided to stay home.
>>Unfortunately, one casualty in this missed meeting was the WRTC
>>discussion.  The deadline for YCCC to make its nomination is passed.
>>Did we send in a name?
>>Randy Thompson, K5ZD
>>Submissions:              ct-user@ve7tcp.ampr.org
>>Administrative requests:  ct-user-REQUEST@ve7tcp.ampr.org
>>WWW:                      http://ve7tcp.ampr.org/Lists/ct-user.html
>>Questions:                reisert@ve7tcp.ampr.org

Submissions:              ct-user@ve7tcp.ampr.org
Administrative requests:  ct-user-REQUEST@ve7tcp.ampr.org
WWW:                      http://ve7tcp.ampr.org/Lists/ct-user.html
Questions:                reisert@ve7tcp.ampr.org