New country files for CT - 10 February 1995

Jim Reisert AD1C
Fri, 10 Feb 1995 13:58:22 -0500

Here is the list of changes:

10 Feb 1995:    * Added DU0K to prefix list for Spratley, 1S.
(CTY-501)       * Added 4U50UN to prefix list for United Nations, 4U1U.
                * Added VI0ANT, VK0FPS and VK0ERZ to prefix list for
                  Antarctica, CE9 (VI0ANT).
                * Moved LU1ZS to prefix list for Antarctica, CE9.
                * Added FR5ZQ/G as callsign for Glorioso, FR/G.
                * Added T93A/4U to prefix list for Haiti, HH.
                * Added KH6ND/7 to United States, K (came up as KH7).
                * Added JD1/JI7BCD, JD1BIE/JD1, JD1BIP, JD1BIU, JD1BIY, JD1BIZ,
                  JD1BJA, JD1BJE, JD1YAA and JD1YBJ to list of callsigns for
                  JD1/Minami Torishima (JR2BNF/1).
                * Added JD1AMA, JD1BIE, JD1BIK, JD1BIV and JD1BJC to list of
                  callsigns for JD1/Ogasawara (JR2BNF/1).
                * Added VE2UA in Zone 2 to Canada, VE.
                * Added VP29E to prefix list for Anguilla, VP2E.
                * Added VP8CGE and VP8CID as callsigns for VP8/South Georgia
                  (DXNL #912).
                * Added VP8SGP as callsign for VP8/South Georgia.
                * Added VP8CQS and DP1KGI as callsigns for VP8/South Shetlands.
                * Change prefix list for Yugoslavia to only list valid prefixes,
                  thus things like 4O4 won't count any more. (K3EST)
                * Added ZK1HU as callsign for ZK1/North Cooks (DXNL #912).
                * Added ZK1KH as callsign for ZK1/North Cooks.

The files are available from a number of sources (listed in easiest/soonest
to hardest/latest order):

1.  Send a message to to request the file(s)
    you want, i.e.:

	GET cty.dat
	GET history.cty

    Remember that file names are in lower case.  Multiple file requests on
    separate lines are OK.  The files are there NOW.

2.  Send a message to and get the whole .ZIP file
    in UUencoded form.  If you don't already have a program to UUdecode, you
    will need to get UUD.COM as well:

	GET	(optional)

    Remove the headers and trailers from the UUD.COM mail message so that
    the resulting file begins with "ENC.COM.B&F=" and ends with "z!1", and
    save it to UUD.COM.  Then remove the headers and trailers from the
    CTY.ZIP mail message so that the resulting file begins with "begin 664" and ends with "end".  Save this to a file called CTY.UU.  Then
    on your PC type:

	C:\> uud cty.uu

    This should create the CTY.ZIP file.

3.  FTP the file from:

    This is an ANONYMOUS FTP server.  When you get the username
    prompt from gatekeeper, log in as anonymous, and use your EMAIL
    address (i.e. as the password.  Then
    'cd' to /pub/k2mm/ct-files and 'get'.

    John K2MM is pretty good about keeping the latest files in there.  Look
    for a file dated February 10, 1995 or later.

4.  FTP the file from:

    This is an ANONYMOUS FTP server.  When you get the username
    prompt from gatekeeper, log in as anonymous, and use your EMAIL
    address (i.e. as the password.  Then
    'cd' to /pub/misc/hamradio and 'get'.

    This may take several days to catch up - look for a file dated
    February 10, 1995 or later.

5.  Download the file CTY-501.EXE from the CT BBS at 508-460-8877.
    I will upload it Friday afternoon, 2/10, but it may take a couple
    of days for K1EA to move it to the public area, and include it with

6.  Download the file CTY-501.ZIP from the DX BBS at 502-898-8864.
    I will upload it Friday afternoon 2/10.

As always, please send me any corrections.

73 - Jim Reisert AD1C

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