CT-9.23 Problem?

Dave Hawes n3rd@ix4.ix.netcom.com
Thu, 5 Oct 1995 23:08:34 -0400

> I have just purchased CT-9.23 and all functions are working fairly well
> except I cannot get CT to key the transmitter in CW using either LPT1 or
> LPT2. I am using a 486DX4 100mhz with 16 megs of memory with 4 comports
> all with 16550A Uarts and 2 printer ports and I have 2 hard drives a 1.2
> G and a 210 meg.  I am also using a high speed 32 bit controller card.
> the com port keys the cw transmitter just fine but with the radio and
> tnc on com 3 and 4 there is a distinct possibility of a conflict if I
> use com 2 for the cw keying.  I also have a CDRom and sound card installed,
> however I have removed the sound card and CDrom and booted the computer
> from a bootable disk and the problem is still there no CW keying on the
> printer ports however the com 2 works great.  Any help with this would 
> be greatly appreciated.

John, are your LPT ports "bi-directional?"  We recently discovered 
that the -AC (antenna control) function does not work if the parallel 
port is configured as bi-directional.  You might want to experiment 
with this, and let us know.

Ken is aware of the problem with -AC and bi-directional LPTs, but I 
don't know if he has a solution cooked yet.

73 - Dave

73 - Dave N3RD

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