[ct-user] Single Band Log with Other Bands
David B. Ritchie
David B. Ritchie" <dbr@alumni.caltech.edu
Mon, 3 Mar 1997 23:32:25 -0800 (PST)
I think that you can use the one line summary for 20M as your entry score
and I wouldn't worry about the rest of it -- just include a note and I am
sure that the ARRL can handle it. Otherwise, if you insist on cleaning
up the log file, then convert it to a wordproceesor file (Wordperfect,
Word, etc.) search all the non-20 entries, and convert them all to zero
point/zero mult entries -- then convert it back to a text file and submit
it. Again -- I can't imagine that ARRL can't handle it unmodified.
Good luck
Dave N7UE
On Sun, 2 Mar 1997 markg@iserver.starlight.com wrote:
> I just finished using CT 9.27 for the ARRL DX contest and have been working
> on getting the log together. But I have a little problem and I think I may
> be stuck.
> I am entering as single band, but 20M gets mighty quiet at night so I made
> contacts on other bands and logged them in CT. I think this is ok since
> the rules mention sending in the log for checking. However, I can find
> no way to keep CT from counting the other bands as valid contacts and
> multipliers even though I set it to single band (it also does not seem
> to have a place to enter the band).
> It is easy to figure out the single band score but the log gives points for
> all valid contacts and marks all multipliers. The ARRL log is not separated
> by band, so will I have to do a lot of manual editing on the log? It would
> seem so.
> 73,
> Mark N6SF
> markg@starlight.com
> --
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David B. Ritchie, Esq.
D'Alessandro & Ritchie, P.C. -- Intellectual Property Lawyers
3521 E. Yorkshire Road, Pasadena, CA 91107-5432
818-683-8800 (TEL) 818-683-8900 (FAX) dbr@alumni.caltech.edu
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