[ct-user] Computer control of TS-940 with IF232 level converter

Alfred J. Frugoli Alfred J. Frugoli" <ke1fo@contesting.com
Tue, 18 Mar 1997 17:39:32 +0000

Ok folks, here's a question for you.  I have a situation with the 
Kenwood TS-940 and the IF-232 level converter.  My friend has the same 
setup I do, and he got a lightning hit over the summer.  Everything has 
been repaired supposedly.  Now, here's the problem.  Before the 
lightning strike, his computer interface worked fine.  His computer 
interface no longer works.  Mine does.  We have tried connecting his 
IF-232 interface with my rig and computer, only swapping out the IF-232.  
No go.  We borrowed an IF-232 from a friend, it doesn't work with my 
setup either.  But my IF-232 does.  We have not had a chance to check my 
IF-232 converter with his rig, but that will happen tomorrow.  We have 
another IF-10B on order incase the one in his 940 is dead.  Any other 
suggestions or something I'm missing?  Thanks.
Al, KE1FO, ex. KE6BER    mailto:ke1fo@contesting.com or ke6ber@tiac.net
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