[ct-user] ARRL Log File
Tyler Stewart
Tyler Stewart" <k3mm@erols.com
Fri, 10 Apr 1998 01:44:23 +0100
Fine, but that's not what they ask for on the web page General Rules
Here are the excerpts:
". ARRL Standard File Format: For Electronic Submission of Contest Entries.
All files must be in standard ASCII text format.
The log data file name shall consist of the call sign and the extension ".LOG"
for example, K5ZD.LOG
The summary sheet file name shall consist of the call sign and the extension
".SUM" for example, K5ZD.SUM "
"Electronic entries should include a summary file instead of a paper summary
sheet. (The signature is not necessary on an electronic summary sheet (see
Rule 2). "
...under Reporting...
". Electronic files may all be attached to the same message.
To be complete, entries must consist of the log and summary sheet. (For
electronic entries, you may ZIP the summary sheet file and the log file
together using PKZIP.EXE or its equivalent, and upload your compressed file or
upload the files separately.) "
You'll notice in every instance they refer to 2 separate FILES with separate
FILE NAMES. They also refer to the ATTACHMENT of files.
The path for browsing the General ARRL Rules is
-----Original Message-----
From: Dick Wilder (K3DI) <wilder@abs.net>
To: Robert Naumann <n5nj@worldnet.att.net>
Cc: Tyler Stewart <k3mm@erols.com>; Julian cleak
<julian.cleak@newport.gov.uk>; ct-user@contesting.com <ct-user@contesting.com>
Date: Thursday, April 09, 1998 18:51
Subject: Re: [ct-user] ARRL Log File
>I do exactly as Bob describes below and always get a reply in less than
>and week and normally in about two days. It appears that if you send your
>log as an attachment, they lay it aside to check when they have time.
>73, Dick Wilder, K3DI wilder@clark.net (abs.net is my junk mail adr)
>On Wed, 8 Apr 1998, Robert Naumann wrote:
>> The email submission guidelines say to first include the summary and then
>> the CALL.log file in the message itself, not as an attachment. In other
>> words, paste the summary sheet into the email, then the paste in the entire
>> CALL.log file making one relatively big email.
>> I have recently submitted 2 logs as above to ARRL via Email. The
>> acknowledgement did take several days but came through. Be patient.
>> 73, Bob N5NJ
>Submissions: ct-user@contesting.com
>Administrative requests: ct-user-REQUEST@contesting.com
>WWW: http://www.contesting.com/ct/
>Questions: owner-ct-user@contesting.com
Submissions: ct-user@contesting.com
Administrative requests: ct-user-REQUEST@contesting.com
WWW: http://www.contesting.com/ct/
Questions: owner-ct-user@contesting.com