[ct-user] How Safe Is 9.37 (replies)

Sante - IK0HBN Sante - IK0HBN <ik0hbn@isa.it>
Sat, 03 Oct 1998 00:13:32 +0200

in this enviroment 9.37 never gave problem. If you need, after the event,
importing contest log, be sure to use the last version of B2R9, or
otherwise the time of each qso will be back of 7 hours, as Ken changed
compiler after version 9.30.
Setup here is:
IC 765 on Com 1 IRQ 4
Packet cluster on Com 2 IRQ 3
Rotor interface on Com 3 IRQ 9
RTTY interface always connected to Com 4 (IRQ 5) as it does not give any
CW keying on LPT2 IRQ 7
SB on IRQ 10 (used for DSP purpose with Dsp Blaster by K6STI)
Mouse on PS2
hope this help.
Cu during the contest.

THIS MESSAGE WAS SENT BY:         (.)(.)                    
Sante Lillo, IK0HBN                   | Home  telephone: +39-0761-407543 
Localita' Saineta, 3                  | Fax on request : as above
01030 Bassano in Teverina (VT) Italy  | Cell. telephone: +39-0338-6825052
E-Mail: ik0hbn@isa.it                 | packet: IK0HBN@IK0MIL.ILAZ.ITA.EU
Home Page: <http://www.qsl.net/ik0hbn>| DX cluster : IK0HBN > I0JBL-6

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