[ct-user] Help setting up CT for M/S

Herb Rosenberg Herb Rosenberg <herbr@netcom.com>
Wed, 21 Oct 1998 14:33:20 -0700 (PDT)

I am looking for some "hand holding" on setting up CT for use in CQ WW 
M/S.  I have an ethernet network for the two PC's and top ten devices for 
the antennas.  I was using Writelog, but I am having some problems with 
it, and I am considering changing over to CT, here at the last minute.  
But, I haven't istalled it before, and need a bit of handholding. 

If you can help, please let me know, as I would be happy to call you 
direct.  I think if I can get some of the basic questions answered, I 
should be ok, but I don't want to waste alot of time figuring things 
out.  Seems like there is a lot of issues with networking, com ports, 
configuration options, plus getting the top ten devices to work, etc.

Please feel free to email me if you have a bit of time to help via telephone.

Herb - KG6OK



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