[ct-user] Lan vs com ports

Mike Walker Mike Walker <mwalker@legato.com>
Mon, 26 Oct 1998 08:50:30 -0500


Get NETTSR and use it.  The instructions are in the package.

We've used it twice (WPX and CQWW98) and it never missed a beat.  Tinker with it long before the contest.  You will need a network card for each computer and a HUB if you are using 10BaseT connections.  If you only have 2 computers, then you can go without the HUB, but you need a special peer to peer cable.

If you use Coax for your network, then you don't need a Hub.

We can send you the autoexec.bat we just used for this one if you like.


At 07:50 AM 26/10/98 , you wrote:
>Well after this weekend's fiasco, I am game to try anything to get a better
>network soultion...we couln not keep the network talking with all the
>computers...it had worked flawlessley last year, and I remodeled the
>shack...new carpet and painted..so had to remove all the
>equipment...needless to say nothing works like it used to...someone had
>sugested ethernet type of networking, and I am ready..I know that there are
>a bunch that are doing it so, would be real interested the details, and its
>reliability...drop me a note...de Rick NQ4I
Mike Walker VA3MW
Corbeil Contest Club

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