[ct-user] Problems with CW keying - 9.37

Keith Beebe Keith Beebe <kbeebe@epix.net>
Fri, 01 Jan 1999 19:35:17 -0500

It's a port problem, especially if you are trying to run radio control and it
keeps accessing the radio while trying to send CW. It mostly happens with Yaesu
radios, like mine. Take radio control off and it sends perfect CW. Ken is aware of
this, I've mentioned it too many times now. Sure hope he gets it fixed soon.

Keith Beebe W3KB

wb6tza@compuall.net wrote:

> At 12:02 PM 12/31/98 EST, AA4NC@aol.com wrote:
> >
> >I finally got CT to run on my new computer, using ver. 9.37 and running it in
> >MSDOS mode. It will NOT run in a DOS window in WIN98.
> thank goodness!   windows- the fastest way to gibberdish!
> >Hit keys to send CW
> >Gibberish junk sent from LPT port to radio
> did you turn off the keyer in the radio?  this usually works OK
> >Then dead keys in a continuous carrier until computer is rebooted.
> I have experienced this with the 5 interfaces I built for XZ1N, I suspect a
> combination hardware issue, (nothing to pull it down)and a software issue.
> Perhaps Ken will have time to chcek this after the new year sets in..
> 73, robin, wa6cdr/xz1n
> --
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