[ct-user] 946b
alsopb <alsopb@gloryroad.net>
Tue, 26 Oct 1999 13:28:23 +0000
Hmm.. Tried this again with TS850 and version
9.46.002 and it picks up the frequency just fine.
It even works fine when the station is split
(phone or CW). The code is even smart enough to
know if you are in a CW contest that the rigs mode
should be changed if the rig is in the SSB mode.
Recheck your setup. Perhaps reboot machine first.
73 de Brian/K3KO
Bruce Lallathin wrote:
> Just tried 946b. Set up same as when using 945. Now, getting spots out of
> announce window with ctrl rt arrow enter sequence does not move the radio
> to the spot freq but does put the call in the log field ok.
> Going back to 945 for the contest.
> Oh, radio is TS-950SD.
> 73,
> Bruce
> AA8U
> --
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