[ct-user] 946b

Bruce Lallathin Bruce Lallathin <aa8u@modempool.com>
Wed, 27 Oct 1999 09:44:18 -0400

I retried 946b......first re-booting into dos 6.22 as you kindly reminded me to
do. Now it seems to work just fine so far. Before I just shut down the log,
swapped exe files and re-ran the bat file for the same contest log. Obviously
that wasn't enuf to get me off to a clean start. The re-boot seemed to cure the
"problem" I noticed.

Thanks much.

PS Ken, sorry for the false alarm.

At 01:28 PM 10/26/99 +0000, you wrote:
>Hmm.. Tried this again with TS850 and version
>9.46.002 and it picks up the frequency just fine. 
>It even works fine when the station is split
>(phone or CW).  The code is even smart enough to
>know if you are in a CW contest that the rigs mode
>should be changed if the rig is in the SSB mode.
>Recheck your setup.  Perhaps reboot machine first.
>73 de Brian/K3KO
>Bruce Lallathin wrote:
>> Just tried 946b. Set up same as when using 945. Now, getting spots out of
>> announce window with ctrl rt arrow enter sequence does not move the radio
>> to the spot freq but does put the call in the log field ok.
>> Going back to 945 for the contest.
>> Oh, radio is TS-950SD.
>> 73,
>> Bruce
>> AA8U
>> --
>> Submissions:              ct-user@contesting.com
>> Administrative requests:  ct-user-REQUEST@contesting.com
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>> Questions:                owner-ct-user@contesting.com

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Questions:                owner-ct-user@contesting.com