[ct-user] B2R9 / R2B9
John Scott
Sun, 22 Jul 2001 12:34:05 -0400
I, too, encountered this problem. I will report it on the CT website in the
"bug" report.
--John Scott, K8YC
ken caruso wrote:
> I am unable to convert an IARU CT9.65 log from .BIN to .RES and back to
> .BIN again, even without ever opening the .RES with an editor. The
> conversions complete successfully, but when the resultant .BIN is openned
> with CT one of two things happen, you get an error message saying "
> filename.bin is not a version 9 compatible log, run 8to9.exe to convert" or
> you get to the setup screen but all of the information is scrambled /
> missing. It looks like CT is attempting to write all of the setup fields to
> line 1, and the only way to exit is to hit the escape key.
> Are there any known issues with this? Can anyone else duplicate this
> behaviour?
> I'm using B2R9 dated 02-01-98 and R2B9 dated 03-25-00, which according to
> the web page are the latest. This is under DOS 6 environment.
> Ken
> WO1N
> --
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