[ct-user] RE: CT Bug Report
Tue, 24 Jul 2001 15:46:16 -0700
Hi Ken,
While you're considering Cabrillo to .BIN, how about ADIF to .BIN. That would be in the spirit of open interchange. and probably be more widely accepted.
73, Tony, AD6ID
At 06:15 PM 7/24/01 -0400, Ken Wolff wrote:
>The .res file does not have header information such as contest type,
>callsign, name and address. B2R can't create a new .bin file with out the
>header info.
>The original idea was to allow modifications to an *existing* .bin log by
>converting it to ASCII, then back after changes had been made.
>Were I to create new R2B and B2R programs, the .res file would have all the
>header information. These programs would *not* be backwards compatible with
>the old .res, R2B or B2R.
>Maybe a better idea would be to create a Cabrillo to .BIN converter. Logs
>generated by other programs could then be converted to CT logs.
>*Please note*, not all contest sponsors have Cabrillo formats; not all
>contests would be available. Even the ARRL does not have a Cabrillo format
>for Field Day (yet).
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