[ct-user] CT9.68 Score reporting

Alan C. Zack k6acz@earthlink.net
Mon, 26 Nov 2001 12:05:28 -0800

I used CTWIN 9.53 during the contest then moved my .BIN file to my CT 9.67
folder to do my WRITELOG with Cabrillo file and everything worked OK also.  I
did not try 9.68 so can't comment on Bill's problem with it.
I did get a strange entry in my Cabrillo file.  I have 5 address lines.  The
first four are good info.  The fifth address line says: cl?
Otherwise all the other info is all OK.
What does this ADDRESS: cl? mean?  Should I just delete that address line, or
make it blank, or leave it the way it is?
TIA & 73.

"Bill Hider (N3RR)" wrote:
> I used CT9.68 and found it flawless during operation this weekend.  But, the
> report files: CALL.TXT (Cabrillo) and CONTEST.SUM report the score as 0
> [Zero] after the contest.  The score during the contest, while using CT9.68,
> was fine/correct.  This appears to be a score reporting problem.
> I ran the CONTEST.BIN file using CT9.67 and both .SUM and .TXT  are
> reporting correctly.
> This is apparently a CT9.68 bug and I submitted it as such in the CT bug
> report form.
> Anybody else see this?
> Bill, N3RR
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