[ct-user] Re: [Logic] Wish LIST
Sante - IK0HBN
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 07:53:09 +0200
Hi Steve,
I perfectly agree with you.
I'd like using Writelog and CT and importing all the qso's in the exact
order in which I did them. It seems that Logic sorts alphabetically the
qso's done in the same minute, so if the program which should transform
Writelog and CT bin's into ADIF file could save the time with also the
seconds, Logic should not sort anything, but just importing as they had
been done.
Till now, to the ADIF generated by the 2 contesting programs, I had to add
manually the seconds and say the the name field for time that the integers
were 6 and not 4.
Very time consuming and more chances to do some errors.
Thank you
At 17.53 09/07/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>Sante, I found it very difficult with LOGic to work a cw contest..Its not
>like with CT,NA,TR where you push INSERT and the program sends out the
>complete info or contact with one keystroke..With LOGic you have to go back
>and fourth between the keyboard and the mouse clicking boxes to complete a
>QSO. I found it harder to work the keyboard and mouse together then to work
>the actual cw contact. Adding that you have a real mess, I couldnt imagine
>you even being able to keep up with 3-4 qso a min..I found it hard with just
>two+ a minute trying to get the mouse pointer over the box and my hands
>back on the keyboard,Whew.... ... Plus having the options of various cw
>messages on the keyboard F1-F9 keys instead of having to point and click a
>mouse, is great with CT/NA/TR...If there were some changes there it (LOGic)
>would be a top notched contest program for CW which is all i work anyways.
>Thats my wish list -..I realize this had nothing to do with the seconds your
>requesting. -Other then that feature I found LOGic to be a great casual
>operating Logging program with good support.
>Good luck to you, Id welcome your comments if you happen to try using it
>during the contest:-)
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Sante - IK0HBN" <ik0hbn@libero.it>
>To: <writelog@contesting.com>; <ct@contesting.com>; <logic@mailman.qth.net>
>Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 3:55 PM
>Subject: [Logic] Wish LIST
> > I'd like having the ADIF file with time in a format with also the seconds.
> > During contests, especially those on CW it's quite easy to do 3 or 4 qso's
> > each minute. So having also the seconds would be more sure importing the
> > ADIF file into the MAIN logging programs without the need of manually
> > sorting them looking at serial number I sent.
> > All this is valid for Writelog and CT. Any hope to have a mod in short
> > time, so to add flawlessly the upcoming WRTC into LOGIC?
> >
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