[ct-user] WPX M/S Rules and Contest Software
Bob Naumann - N5NJ
Wed, 20 Mar 2002 21:32:08 -0600
This strikes me as though not enough thought was given to the new rule.
This is a logistical nightmare for the entrants as well as the log checkers.
What's the point?
Multipliers in WPX? Give me a break! Nearly every qso with a U.S. station
is a new prefix. Just make a multi-2 category and get it over with.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Fabio I4UFH" <i4ufh@libero.it>
To: <K2KW@prodigy.net>; <ct-user@contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 4:22 PM
Subject: [ct-user] WPX M/S Rules and Contest Software
Hi Kenny,
I remember well that the rules were adapted to use M/M configurations in the
Contest Programs,but the way that
you suggest ( using M/M setup and respecting the M/S 10min rules ) is not
compliant to the rules that follows :
WPX 2002 Rules
2. Multi-Operator (All band operation only)
(a) Single-Transmitter: Only one transmitter and one band permitted during
the same time period (defined as 10
minutes). Exception: One-and only one-other band may be used during any
10-minute period if-and only if-the
station worked is a new multiplier. Use a separate serial numbers for the
multiplier station. Logs found in violation
of the 10-minute rule will be automatically reclassified as multi-multi.
Maximum power allowed is 1500 watts total
output power. Your log MUST show the correct serial number sent for each
contact. (MULTI-ONE)
I understand, but I can be wrong, that the multiplier station MUST use a
separate serial numbers, completly separate
from running serial numbers. Each group of serial numbers are not separate
by band, Runner Numbers start from 0000
on Running band AND on the same 10 min period a Mult station can work needed
mult's on another band starting again
from 0000.
Some Example of what I had understood :
Time RunnerBand RunnerSerial MultBand MultSerial
0000 20 0001 40 0001 New
0001 20 0002 40 0002
0002 20 0003 40 0003
0003 20 0004 40 0004
0004 20 0005 40 0005
0005 20 0006 40 0006
0006 20 0007 40 0007
0007 20 0008 40 0008
0008 20 0009 40 0009
0009 20 0010 40 0010
0010 20 0011 40 0011
0011 20 0012 15 0012
0012 40 0013 15 0013
0013 40 0014 15 0014
0014 40 0015 15 0015
The M/M configuration in CT don't solve the problem, because in this way you
have 6 different Serial Numbers sequence by band, but is not what the rules
claims. The big difference is that CT count the QSO by band, the rules need
to count the QSO by Computer were QSO is logged. Writelog has similar kind
of Serial manging, but has another bad features, has slow Master.DTA search,
mouse dipendent menu and so on that we don't agree.
I cannot see another view to read the rules, but probable on the mind of the
writer there was a good idea, but on the paper it's dont seem the same that
thinked .... or am I in wrong ?? Light me !!
73 and thank's de Fabio I4UFH
----- Original Message -----
From: <K2KW@prodigy.net>
To: <ct-user@contesting.com>; <ct-user@contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 7:34 PM
Subject: [ct-user] Re: ct-user digest, Vol 1 #162 - 1 msg
> >Next week I will leave to D4 for the CQWPX Contest
> and still no news about
> >CT version with new M/S rules.
> I had long discussions with N8BJQ about M/S serial
> numbers last year, and there have been other people
> talking to Steve this year about the same topic. As
> long as you have separate serial numbers by band, and
> you copy them correctly, you will be OK.
> In other words, if CT is not compliant with the new
> rules, set CT for M/M, but obide by M/S rules
> (regarding 10 minute rule). Setting CT for M/M will
> send a separate serial number string for each band.
> When you submit your cabrillo log, just change the
> category to M/S (on the Cabrillo output only! do not
> change the .BIN file log to M/S, as it will likely
> renumber all your QSOs).
> If I were entering M/S this year, I would use M/M as
> described above.
> Kenny K2KW
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