[ct-user] Tools for CQWW M2 category ?
Jir(í S(anda
Wed, 13 Nov 2002 13:32:40 +0100
I strongly disagree. No limitation would make for a couple of stations
absolutely no diffrerence anong M2 and MM !!
73 !
alsopb wrote:
>I disagree.
>8 band changes/hour is really only four- one to a band and one back.
>It can easily be exceed by searching and pouncing spots across
>multiple bands. In fact, with an ACOM amp and/or any of today's
>transcievers (for those not in high power categories), bands are
>irrelevant. One goes where the contacts are.
>Late in the contest, band hopping is perhaps the only way to maintain
>a decent rate.
>It is a stupid limitation, in my opinion, which technology has made
>passe. The sponsors need to find something else to differentiate M2
>from MM. How about only two operators?
>73 de Brian/K3KO
>Bob Naumann - N5NJ wrote:
>>I'm not aware of any tools to do this - yet.
>>The rule allows you 8 band changes per hour for each rig. I would think
>>that you'd really have to try hard to exceed that number.
>>I reviewed the log manually for AA5NT's Multi-2 log. It took a little while
>>to go through, but I found that we didn't even come close to exceeding that
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "David L Sharred" <G3NKC@thersgb.net>
>>To: "Ct-User@Contesting.Com" <ct-user@contesting.com>
>>Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 4:48 PM
>>Subject: [ct-user] Tools for CQWW M2 category ?
>>>BlankDid I hear that someone was going to develop a tool for CT, to check
>>>teh band change times for Multi-2 ??
>>>Am in need of something now -about to submit logs
>>>Dave Sharred
>>>G3NKC (op from MD4K)
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