[ct-user] CT9.81 - CQWW M2 Category

Jim White, K4OJ k4oj@tampabay.rr.com
Thu, 03 Oct 2002 23:28:15 -0400

...thanks, Bob

I think I get it.


Bob Naumann - N5NJ wrote:

>We go through this at AA5NT every contest.
>First:  the number you assign to the computer called "Station Number" in the
>CT setup screen has nothing to do with logging.  It has only to do with CT
>networking being able to distinguish between computers.
>Second:  the Radio number has even less to do with all of this.  If you only
>have one radio connected to your computer, it's Radio 1.  On Station #2, if
>it only has one radio connected to it, that radio is still Radio 1.  So, if
>you have two computers, both of them will have a Radio 1 attached to them.
>In other words, Station 2's radio is not Radio 2.
>Third:  To set any computer to log as the RUN1 station, you have to type
>RUN1 and hit enter on that computer's CT logging screen.  Similarly, to set
>one of the computers to log as the RUN2 station, you have to type RUN2 on
>that computer.
>There are 3 different numbering levels and they are all completely seperate
>and have nothing to do with each other.
>1)  The computers network ID #, or in CT, the "Station Number".  (network
>2)  The Radio Number, either Radio 1 or Radio 2. (rig number)
>3)  The RUN1 / RUN2 logging number (logging number)
>If you think of the 3 levels and keep them seperate in your mind, you should
>be OK with this.
>Oh, and if you have more than two computers, you can type RUN1 on any of
>them and that computer becomes the RUN1 station for logging purposes and
>remains that way until you type RUN2 on it.  (or use the Alt-Y toggle).
>GL & 73!
>Bob N5NJ
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Jim White, K4OJ" <k4oj@tampabay.rr.com>
>To: "K1EA" <k1ea@contesting.com>
>Cc: <ct-user@contesting.com>
>Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 2:03 PM
>Subject: Re: [ct-user] CT9.81 - CQWW M2 Category
>>I am confused (so what else is new)
>>If you have more than two stations and want to do the new M2 category
>>how does the computer know which the third 3rd position becomes (1 or 0)
>>when it goes live.  For reasons of station configuration I think a lot
>>of us will like this new category and have been set up as multi-multi's
>>with feedlines routed to different positions in the room (or rooms in my
>>case - we set up two or three stations on the patio for m-m, it would be
>>easier to dedicate some of those positions to one band or another than
>>to make it two physical positions only).
>>As far as an algorithm for knowing if you are within the rules can you
>>count total band changes for all stations and make the total number of
>>band changes 16 within a given hour and a mandatory maximum of two
>>simultaneously transmitted signals at any one time?)
>>I am glad I do not have to right the programs, but sure am glad you do -
>>thanks for everything, Ken  -  CT made contesting fun again for a lot of
>>people, I cannot imagine operating without the computer doing the
>>drudgery ever again.
>>Jim, K4OJ
>>K1EA wrote:
>>>I have added the new M2 category to CQWW. The Cabrillo output now has an
>>>extra '1' or '0' at the end of each QSO line. This indicates station one
>>>or station two.
>>>As in the ARRL M2 category, it is very important that you use the RUN1
>>>and RUN2 text commands to identify the stations. You can also toggle a
>>>station, or QSO with ALT-Y. The band field in each RUN2 QSO is white on
>>>blue. RUN1 QSO's have the usual black on cyan band label.
>>>RUN1 and RUN2 are not identified by computer number because some
>>>operations setup more than two operating positions then use two at a
>>>time for M2 operation.
>>>CT9.81 can be found at www.k1ea.com/ctvault.
>>>73, Ken K1EA
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