[ct-user] Spotting/telnet with CTWin 9.81

John Bednar John Bednar" <k3ct@fast.net
Tue, 29 Oct 2002 07:21:51 -0500

Did anyone else have trouble telnet spotting or sending telnet commands
from remote computers in the CT network? 

Station #1 using CTWin 9.81 could spot and issue commands fine but 
station #2's spots/commands were never acknowledged by the telnet
node. They did appear in the packet window at station #1.

When I switched station #1 to packet, both stations could spot and 
send commands just fine.

Station #1 was running CTWin 9.81 and station #2 was running CTdos
9.81. I tried an older version of CTdos but that didn't fix the problem.
