[ct-user] Spotting/telnet with CTWin 9.81

Dallas Carter ludal@dmv.com
Tue, 29 Oct 2002 07:40:06 -0500

I had 9 computers networked via ethernet to my packet node.
There were several occassions (near contest end) that the
computer connected to the node worked fine, but those 
defined as remote (via network) could not send spots.  They
would show up as outgoing spots on the packet screen at
each terminal, but never reach the node machine.  I am not
ready to say that this is a 9.81 problem.  I rather think it is
a systems related problem.  (Once bit, twice shy).

73  Dallas  W3PP

----- Original Message ----- 
From: John Bednar <k3ct@fast.net>
To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 7:21 AM
Subject: [ct-user] Spotting/telnet with CTWin 9.81

> Did anyone else have trouble telnet spotting or sending telnet commands
> from remote computers in the CT network? 
> Station #1 using CTWin 9.81 could spot and issue commands fine but 
> station #2's spots/commands were never acknowledged by the telnet
> node. They did appear in the packet window at station #1.
> When I switched station #1 to packet, both stations could spot and 
> send commands just fine.
> Station #1 was running CTWin 9.81 and station #2 was running CTdos
> 9.81. I tried an older version of CTdos but that didn't fix the problem.
> John
> k3ct@fast.net
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