[ct-user] CTWin Dupes - CQP?

Ed K1EP k1ep.list at gmail.com
Mon Oct 3 06:17:21 EDT 2005

At 10/3/2005 12:25 AM, Alan Zack wrote:
>Yes, I had to hit TAB twice before it showed a DUPE.  

Actually, I think it was at least three times.

>I had to depend on the 
>CHECK PARTIAL window to show a dupe.  I was using CTWin 10.02.008.  It did 
>not show my MULTS.  

It showed my mults.  Did you have the correct CQP.DAT file?  There is one file for CA and a different file for non-CA.  I do remember having to edit the file for one county though, there was one abbreviation that was used that wasn't in the file. 

>It thought I was in CA instead of outside of CA and only 
>gave me one MULT for CA, it never showed any of CA counties as a MULT.  I 
>had to manually highlight each new county worked and put a check mark in the 
>NEW MULT column to indicate it was a new mult and complete the CQP Summary 
>Sheet to compute my final score.  Also, the Cabrillo page stated Cabrillo 
>Format not yet implemented for this contest.

It didn't seem necessary to submit a file.  I submitted my log.all file and it was happy.

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