[ct-user] ARRL Robot rejections

W2RU - Bud Hippisley W2RU at frontiernet.net
Sat Dec 15 07:05:28 EST 2007

I just "tuned in" to this thread.  I read that K7HP's files, when sent from
K8IA's PC and ISP, were accepted by the ARRL robot.  What I *don't* see is
any information on the specific e-mail client being used by K7HP, as
compared to the one at K8IA.

I mention this only because I've had people comment from time to time on the
"extraneous" files and tags that MS Outlook has attached to my outbound
e-mail without my knowledge.

Although Hank's ISP may be a possible source of the problem, it seems to me
his e-mail client should be equally suspect until proven innocent.  As Pogo
used to say, "We have met the enemy and he is us...."

Bud, W2RU  

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