[ct-user] CT DOS Users Check your Log times for WPX

R Johnson k1vu at tmlp.com
Tue Mar 27 01:38:51 EST 2007

Hi Ed:

At 19:34 3/26/2007, you wrote:
>There are plenty of reasons for anyone to set their computer to whatever time zone they want.  The purpose of the list is not to chastise a user, but to help with the problem.  You haven't helped solve the problem, you have given a work around that might not suit the user.

Thank you for getting things back on track.
I guess that there must be a reason for the name of "Bullhead City" !!!

My intent of my original massage was to alert the CT DOS users of a possible time offset
problem in the WPX contest and just have them check their log times for correctness before
submitting them.

>Bob, there is nothing special about the DST updates for your computer.  What you most likely have, is a variable in one of your configuration files, such as autoexec.bat.  There is a variable called TZ which stands for TimeZone.  Check the value of the variable.  You can do that in a dos prompt by typing SET.  If you show a variable TZ, then it is being set in autoexec.bat or whatever batch file you might use to start up CT.  If that isn't your problem, then there are other things you might want to look at, but this is most likely the problem.

Yes I'm aware of the "SET TZ Variable". I've been using CT since Version 5.07 on 8088 machines
with every version of DOS that was released and every version of Windows thru WIN ME. Also every
version of CT under DOS (currently using V10.3.002).

I do have a batch file that I execute from my desktop shortcut for starting CT.

        set tz=est5edt
        ct %1    

This has always worked in the past keeping CT on time with the EST/DST change over.

My only concern as we discussed a few weeks back about patching WIN ME for the new DST dates.
I used TZEDIT as you recommended on one machine and a patch on the other.
Unfortunately I can't remember which machine got which . Only one of the machines has
CT installed so I can't easily backtrack.

>As far as using CT_TIME, typing CT_TIME in a dos shell will get you the command line prompt.  Essentially it asks  for the bin file name (make a copy first) and a time offset in minutes.  It will then create a new bin file.  Make sure you use the correct version for CT10.

That is what I would have expected from using "MERGE" and "FIX_MINE in the past, but
all I get is "Stack Overflow" 

Bob, K1VU

>At 3/26/2007 02:51 AM, N7MAL wrote:
>>There is absolutely no reason not to set your computer to GMT. The 
>>overwhelming majority of hams only need an accurate time stamp for 2 
>>reasons, contests and master logbook. Both of which require GMT. Almost all 
>>other ham radio activities like VHF, Satellite, LOTW, Eqsl, etc etc etc use 
>>GMT. THEREFORE why not just set your computer to GMT and then you never have 
>>to hyperventilate about your contest log not using the proper time ..??..
>>Very best 73
>>  ----- Original Message ----- 
>>  From: R Johnson
>>  To: CT-User at contesting.com ; N7MAL
>>  Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 6:21
>>  Subject: Re: [ct-user] CT DOS Users Check your Log times for WPX
>>  MAL:
>>  There is absolutely no need to set your computer to GMT !!!
>>  Message-Id: <200703260224343.SM02524 at z0n6x8.tmlp.com>
>>  Setting your clock to GMT is like using "Rubber Gloves for Leaky Fountain 
>>  Every program I have (20 year old DOS programs included) has provisions 
>>for compensating
>>  for the "TIME ZONE" offset including the shift from "Standard Time" to 
>>"Daylight Savings Time"
>>  where applicable !!!
>>  It appears that there is a problem how CT get it's time offset data after 
>>using the "New DST
>>  Patches" !!!
>>  CT WIN works correctly, CT DOS has a problem !!!
>>  Normally we used to use the Time Variable command "set tz=est5edt" to 
>>correct for EST/EDT
>>  change over. It doesn't work now !!!
>>  Somehow there is a problem as to how CT get it's info after patching !!!
>>  73
>>  Bob, K1VU
>>  At 00:29 3/26/2007, N7MAL wrote:
>>  >Why not set your computer to G.M.T.  ..??..
>>  >
>>  >MAL
>>  >N7MAL
>>  ><http://www.ctaz.com/~suzyq/N7mal.htm>http://www.ctaz.com/~suzyq/N7mal.htm
>>  >----- Original Message ----- 
>>  >From: <mailto:k1vu at tmlp.com>R Johnson
>>  >To: <mailto:CT-User at contesting.com>CT-User at contesting.com
>>  >Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 3:48
>>  >Subject: [ct-user] CT DOS Users Check your Log times for WPX
>>  >
>>  >Hi:
>>  >After using CT DOS V10 for the CQ WPX contest I found all of my times 
>>were off  by +1 Hour.
>>  >
>>  >ie: My first QSO was at 00:33Z, but was logged as 01:33Z.
>>  >
>>  >While had patched my computer for the new DST dates I'm still off by 1 
>>  >
>>  >I checked CT WIN and it was logging the correct time, just a problem with 
>>  >
>>  >I will dig deeper on the problem !!!
>>  >
>>  >73
>>  >Bob, K1VU
>>  >
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