[ct-user] Is ALT-F broken for CT-WIN 10.04.001 ?

R Johnson k1vu at tmlp.com
Mon Mar 9 18:36:27 PDT 2009

During the ARRL DX SSB contest last weekend I had to edit the QOS times
using  "ALT-F" on the first few Q's that I had entered by hand.

The Q's entered before the "DST changeover" were +5 hours from the correct UTC time.
The Q's entered after the "DST changeover" were +4 hours from the correct UTC time.

This morning I entered a couple of Q's in a "Test" log and then edited the Time
and Date. The Time was +4 Hrs. and the Date wouldn't change.

Then I opened a copy of my ARRL DX SSB log with CT-DOS 10.04.001 and tried
to edit the log.

First CT-DOS would not read the opening page of the CT-WIN file (name, addy,
club) stuff correctly. I thought both DOS and WIN files were the same.

Tried to edit the Time/Dates with "ALT-F" and it worked correctly.

Can anyone verify my finding or tell me what I might have done wrong before
I submit a "Bug Report" to Ken ???

PS: I've been using CT since Ver 5.07, so I'm not a newbie :-) !!!

TNX es 73
Bob, K1VU


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