Membership Info List
Brian McCarthy
Mon, 02 Jul 2001 07:03:33 -0400
In trying to keep track of the meeting, I forgot to check email addresses.
Please change Anna's to
She has her own PC on the network here at the house and hardly ever ventures
down into the basement to use mine.
Thank you,
Jim Worsham wrote:
> Attached is an updated list of telephone numbers and e-mail addresses for
> the membership. Most of the folks on the list are members but there are a
> couple that are either past members or have expressed an interest in being a
> member.
> Neal, as we discussed at the meeting, please make sure that all of these
> folks are on the fourlanders reflector.
> Brian, as we discussed at the meeting, it would be good to put this on the
> website as soon as we have a section restricted to the membership.
> By the way, for those who couldn't make it, we had a good meeting Saturday
> at KS5M's QTH. We will be returning to the Mile High Campground for the
> September VHF Contest. Band Teams were established as follows:
> 50 MHz: K4EA, K4TW and K5AND
> 144 MHz: W4KXY
> 222 MHz: NX9O and KS5M
> 432 MHz: KB4IDC
> 903 MHz and up: K4RF and K4SZ
> As you can see we still need some help on a couple of bands so let me know
> if are not on the list but you want to operate.
> 73
> Jim W4KXY
> Name: Membership List.doc
> Membership List.doc Type: WINWORD File (application/msword)
> Encoding: x-uuencode
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