Secretary's Update

Brian McCarthy
Sun, 08 Jul 2001 11:09:35 -0400

Hello All,

During the last meeting we discussed QSL cards and the club website.

I am pleased to report that with only three exceptions, we are caught up
on answering all SASE QSL card requests. The three are mildly
problematic. Two of them were QSO's I had trouble finding, but are
valid. They will go out in the next few days.

The third one is a double and I cannot verify either card. It is as

    KC8CCD Sept 13, 1999 0049Z 432MHz
    KC8CCD Sept 13, 2000 0011Z 432MHz

I do not show him in either log. I do show him working up through the
other bands before these times, but no 432MHz log entries at this end.
Does anyone remember this call and these situations? I want to be sure
that if I send the two cards back as 'NOT IN LOG' that it is correct and
not a clerical/data file error on my part.


The first wave of photos are posted to the website. A BUNCH of Sept 1999
photos were easily available, and my brother got me setup with a new web
page editor package. The main page is still not working exactly the way
I want, but I will get it. If you take a look you will understand. See

Cheers All!
Brian NX9O

P.S. - The June 30, 2000 meeting minutes will be available by the end of
this coming week.

Administrative requests: