Southeastern 6 and 2 Meter Nets
Jim Worsham
Sun, 15 Jul 2001 23:40:41 -0400
The Southeastern 6 Meter Net is every Monday night at 8:30 PM Eastern. The
frequency is 50.235 Mhz. The Southeastern 2 Meter Net is every Monday night
at 9:30 PM Eastern. The frequency is 144.215 MHz. The net control for both
nets, at least for the moment, is yours truly, W4KXY. I am located in
EM84ab, North Georgia. I start both nets beaming to the South and work my
way around to the West, North, etc. Everyone is welcome and invited to
check in.
I am also looking for some additional net controls to take over at least
part of the load for these nets. I inherited both of these nets when the
previous net controls either could not or did not want to continue. I think
that having nets like this is important enough to continue them by taking
over net control. Everything is OK at the moment, but there will come a
time when I will get tired of having to do this every Monday night week
after week with little or no help so I am trying to be proactive and get
some help before that happens. Obviously, there are some requirements for
the job. First, you have to be in the southeastern part of the US.
Actually, to be more specific, Northern Alabama, Northern Georgia, Eastern
Tennessee, and Western Carolinas is the footprint we are looking for.
Second, you have to have a pretty good station. You can't be a net control
if folks can not copy you and you can not copy them reasonably well. You
don't have to be the biggest signal on the band but a good antenna (a single
long boom yagi at 50 feet), a good location (resonably unobstructed 360
degrees and RF quiet), some TX power (400 or 500 watts) and last but not
least a good receiver are required. I know that is a lot and really
restricts things to a few stations but if folks can't hear you and/or you
can't hear them it really negatively impacts the success of the net. If you
meet these criteria and would like to help, please drop me a note and let's
talk. If you know someone who does, volunteer them without asking first!
Whatever will work! If you value nets like this to help maintain and create
activity on the bands help me find some net controls. If you don't think
nets like this are important let me tell you one thing. Hardly a net goes
by that I don't have at least one person check in and say that they just
bought an FT100, IC706, etc. and this is their first 6 or 2 meter contact,
they didn't know that anyone even operated these bands, they were surprised
to hear any activity on these bands other than during contests, etc. That
is it for now and thanks for any help you can offer.
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