[Fourlanders] Sept Contest

Brian McCarthy rfacres@akorn.net
Thu, 15 Aug 2002 08:56:43 -0400

Hello All,

I had not gotten into the fracas here in email due to computer problems. 
Two weeks ago we took a nearby lightning strike that toasted virtually 
all of our ethernet devices at home. There is no evidence of a direct or 
streamer strike. All itmes damaged in the house were attached to cables 
with long runs (ethernet, phone line and ham antennas). The total points 
to a near direct strike that caused a severe local burst of EMF. Short 
of EMP hardening of the whole house, I do not think we could have fully 
protected everything.

My PC is still not stable and will require the motherboard to be 
replaced. I will be on email intermittantly because of this. Anna is 
subscribed to the reflector though and her PC is accessing nicely. I 
will not have a stable PC for my email until I can replace the 
motherboard, but we are refinancing this house and I cannot but much to 
anything at this instant.

I am still planning to be on the mountain this September doing my usual 
222 duties and network/logging support. Bob and I will coordinate with 
each other about the exact hardware. I have arranged to be off from work 
for Thursday through Monday around the contest. Bob - Can I ride with 
you to the mountain? I would plan on being at your place on Thursday to 
bring up my stuff and to help pack your truck and trailer. I will be 
trying again to finish my AM-6155 amp for 222. We shall see.

More later....

Cheers All!

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