[Fourlanders] September Contest
Thu, 15 Aug 2002 20:25:13 EDT
HI Folks-
The comment I made in haste in response to Bob a few days ago has apparently
caused some consternation and confusion in the ranks, so I would like to make
several comments which I hope will clear everything up.
1. I apologized to Bob for that comment several days ago in a private Email.
I had been waiting for a private response from him before putting anything
out here on the reflector. But since he has not responded, I feel that I
should go ahead and clear the air by stating to everyone here that that
comment was made in haste before thinking, and I should not have made it.
There are extinuating circumstances, but they do not need to be discussed
here. I will try to leave the insulting comments to the real pro, W4KXY,
from now on ;-).
2. It appears to even one as hard-headed and dense as me, that we can barely
manage a 4-band effort if we have only 6 or 7 people on the mountain, as
appears likely. Unless there is a change in that situation, I will help with
setup, operation and take-down on 6, 2, 222 or 432, wherever I am needed, and
will not try to do any microwave stuff (unless I just set up something quick
and portable temporarily for an hour or two to give out a few Q's).
3. Unless someone needs it for some other purpose, I will rent a space below
the top 4, at my own expense, to park my RV where it will be out of the way.
Though I am not certain I will make it to Huntsville, I'm still hopeful that
I can, and I hope to see many of you there.
73 to all,
Steve, K4RF
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