[Fourlanders] Weekend

Macie, Gordon gmacie@xmmcorp.com
Thu, 6 Jun 2002 09:17:36 -0400

I have been planing on at least a partial weekend but last night that =
changed and I wont be able to make it..  My wife is expecting and I had =
to take her to the emergency room last night... She was having =
contractions. She is only 19 weeks.. Too early for survival.. Thankfully =
they gave her a shoot and everything is ok for now but I need to stick =
close to home.. Our two kids were both born at 32 to 33 weeks.. should =
be 40... Anyway... I am going to try and rig some kind of 2 and of 6 =
antenna to work you guys... it should be a weak signal challenge.. Best =
of luck... IM still hoping to join you on the mountain eventually..
Gordon N4LR
Applications Development =09

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gmacie@xmmcorp.com =09

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