[Fourlanders] Internet at Mile High

Jim Worsham wa4kxy at bellsouth.net
Tue Mar 9 02:53:11 EST 2004

Lets talk about this at Kennehoochee.  I guess I am not sure what internet
access buys us except being able to stay in touch with folks better before
and after the contest.  Being able to see spots is valuable on 6 but I am
not sure it does much for you on the other bands.  Anyone ever see a 2.3 GHz
spot?  Also, what technology are we talking about here?  802.11?  Amateur
radio packet?  This actually ties into something else I was going to bring
up in the meeting.  wireless computer networking  As some of you may know I
was given a new job at BellSouth at the beginning of 2004.  I am technical
manager for wireless networking which means I am the 802.11/WiFi technical
guru at BellSouth now.  As such I now have access to more 802.11/WiFi stuff
than you can even imagine.  If we wnated to try it I could easily come up
with a router and cards for the laptops.  As far as interference is
concerned I have done some testing here.  I have a wireless network here at
the house and have run big power on 6 and 2 with no noticable degradation in
network performance.  Now when you get to 1296, 2304 and 3456 things might
be different but I have no way of testing that here.  Anyway, something to
think about.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul Yeager" <w4ski at arrl.net>
To: <fourlanders at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 8:33 PM
Subject: [Fourlanders] Internet at Mile High

> Guys:
> I finally made the site visit... and it's a long drive up there....
> fortunately, the road is paved.
> The coordinates are a bit rough...  my GPS that works reliably only
> displays whole seconds.  Here are the coordinates (WGS84)
> N4KEG Eagle's Nest (possible relay site):
> 35 29' 59" N
> 83 02' 32" W
> W4SKI Home (one link terminal)
> 35 29' 25" N
> 82 58' 35" W
> I did not climb the tower (Rohn 25), which is roughly 36 feet tall, and
> an 8-bay UHF dipole array mounted atop it.  The top of the tower is likely
> just a bit higher (10-20 ft) than the highest point on Eagle's nest, which
> would be at or near the end of the road that passes the first location
> above.  From a spot a little bit down the hill on the Waynesville side, I
> was able to identify some landmarks near my house, but was not able to
> identify my house.  It would appear that any shot from Eagle's Nest to my
> house will have to pass through some trees.
> Unfortunately, DSL service is not available at the N4KEG location.  Not
> sure about cable.
> By the way, N4KEG is  going to be in town Thursday through Sunday, which
> would be a GREAT time to hang antennas on the tower, if we thought that
> might work.
> Keep in touch!
> Paul W4SKI
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