[Fourlanders] June Contest Results Posted

Mike Wechsler n4ofa at localnet.com
Wed Nov 3 20:20:57 EST 2004

You have the right idea, to increase points and activity you help outfit
And encourage rovers.  Imagine having 20 rovers next June that you could
work from several grids......umm, what if they had more than just three
bands, what if there were microwave rovers out there calling, "W4NH,

I am ordering a 50w 3456 amp from Pryo Joe and will be on that new band
June.  My 903 is working FB thanks to Robin and DEM, 2304 has had a bad
crystal replaced and works good.  I could use some help with 10ghz
Repairs.  I have three of them, two that are mine and one belonging to
Guess which is the only one working?  So I have been borrowing his for
the last few contests.  My plan was to have two systems working, one for
myself and one to loan out and practice with.  If I could get one or two
of them
Working I would loan them out to other rovers this June.  So that is a
At getting microwave contacts for June.

Let me share some of my thoughts on increasing rover activity into the

1.  Build transverters for the rovers.  Let them buy them and then
someone build them and help get them started.  That is how I got going,
Terry, K8ISK,
of K8GP wanted more contacts and offered to build my 903, 1296 and 2304
DEM, and then later he helped me troubleshoot problems.  After that, he
built and intergrated my 18w amp for 1296.  Rather than $400 I could get
on for $300 or less.  I will always be looking for them and will try my
very best to work them on all bands.  

2. Build a close working relationship with known rovers, perhaps
inviting them to be a part of the fourlanders reflector, or maybe just
getting a data
base and sending out e-mails to them.  Offer to set up schedules with
Organize, plan, encourage, plead.  Let them know that you guys think
they are important and want to work them on all bands, every grid.
Share your 
Operating frequencies before the contests, know their running frequency.
Do you know mine?  It is .173 on all bands.

3.  Loan out excess equipment to rovers, help new rovers set up their
mobiles.   Don't wait until May or June to start, begin this winter,
maybe build a few rover antennas, find out what equipment you might have
to loan, I will be happy to help you find a deserving rover that could
it.  I know first hand that this is a great way for you guys to upgrade
score and most important, increase overall activity here in the south.
Once, Greg and I Drove 4 hours to put on a grid for the fourlanders, it
Em87.....caught you at the very last of the contest.  AA4ZZ was with you
then and you were up on Bald Mt.  Paul had loaned us his 223 fm rig.  No

Telling what those extra 4 multipliers meant to your score.  What if we
10 bands to work you on?

4.  Just some observations.
New rovers that are just starting need 222 gear and antennas.  After a
The next thing rovers need help with is 1296, not just finding a way to
The transverter but now they need some help intergrating the transverter
with their 2 meter rig.  Switching, PTT, signal levels.............it
Seems so complicated without someone to help.    Remember, not everyone
roving has vast technical skills, many are like me, technically
But willing to learn.  What technical help can the fourlanders provide
Their rover partners, notice I said partners....has a nice ring to it,
Both need each other.  You guys have so many years of experience, and
And probably test equipment also, could we find a way to extend these to


5.  Wonder how many transverters, amps, antennas are just sitting in a
closet that could be put to use?  Extra microwave gear?  Who has it and 
would be willing to loan it?  Inquiring rover minds want to know!

6.  Why not make a sign for the hamfest when you are promoting the
Fourlanders Contesters.  	ROVERS WANTED!

Let's make some noise in June



-----Original Message-----
From: fourlanders-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:fourlanders-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Jim Worsham
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 9:53 PM
To: Brian McCarthy; fourlanders at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Fourlanders] June Contest Results Posted

Brian is correct.  I was referring to not hearing/working K8GP in
Good job to everyone for the 6th place showing in June.  Unfortunately, 
looking at the scores indicates that it is going to take a big jump in
score (another 100,000)  to get to 5th place.  To do that we are going
have to generate more microwave contacts.  The only way that is going to

happen is to get a couple of rovers equipped with microwaves up through
GHz.  Bob and I will be discussing that further as we start getting
for June 2005.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brian McCarthy" <rfacres at akorn.net>
To: <fourlanders at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2004 9:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Fourlanders] June Contest Results Posted

> Ron, Jim and the Group,
> The logs for June 2004 show that we worked K8GP on 50-432MHz. The log
> Sept. 2004 does not list K8GP on any band.
> I think Jim was referring to Sept. 2004 as when we did not hear K8GP.
> Placing 6th in unlimited is good news.
> Cheers,
> Brian
> NX9O
> Rogers, Ron wrote:
>>The results are now posted on the ARRL "Members Only" web site.
>>Looks like W4NH achieved 6th place in the Unlimited Multi-Op 
>>class...............congratulations to all the W4NH personnel.
>>Also,.....looks like K8GP DID operate in June..........they showed up
>>740K points in the Limited Multi-Op class and took top 
>>honors..........wonder why we never heard them ??
>>Ron Rogers
>>Fourlanders mailing list
>>Fourlanders at contesting.com
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